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Home > Virtual Office > Sourcing > Our Services

Companies attempting to source from China face a variety of issues not commonly found in Western countries:

  • Despite a high number of potential suppliers in China, relatively few are capable of meeting stringent requirements for international sourcing
  • Suitable suppliers must be identified in the beginning of the supplier selection process, otherwise time and money will be wasted
  • Majority of suppliers will quote unreasonably high prices at first due to the expectation for considerable bargaining and the possibility that the foreign company will change the requirements of critical issues.

Highlink helps Western companies navigate sourcing pitfalls through a rigorous approach built upon objective supplier selection, focus on mission-critical issues, and robust local negotiations.

Our Virtual Sourcing Office works closely with our clients to build and manage the long supply chain from China to their home countries.  We leverage our experience across different industries and buyer/supplier profiles to develop suppliers and drive them to perform.  Our team spends the upfront time to internalize our clients’ requirements in order to properly due diligence and oversee suppliers to ensure optimal quality, delivery and pricing.

If the opportunity warrants, we also provide Transaction and Greenfield Advisory services to our clients to create incremental value leveraging China as a supply base.